Refund & Return Policy

We will begin processing your order within 24 hours of creating the order using the details provided in the "Order Notes".

Cancellations made after production will be subject to a 30% restocking fee based on the product price. This means that we will only partially refund you 70% of what you have paid. The reason for this is that the item was made to order and cannot be resold as a new item. The restocking fee usually covers the raw materials used, labor costs and handling.

If you have placed an order and have not provided any information such as "name" in the "order notes", we will hold your order until we receive further notice. If you wish to cancel at this time, we will give you a 100% refund as we have not yet started production.

If you receive a damaged/defective item due to a seller's error, we will either give you a full refund or resend you a new item to compensate. No return is required. Please contact us within 7 business days of receiving your package. We will process your return request and arrange an exchange for you within 60 days.

All disputed refunds will be paid within 1 week of the cancellation.

This policy is effective from the date of your purchase.

We do not accept returns or refunds if any of the following occurs:

Your order does not meet your expectations due to factors within your control (e.g. incorrect product information sent to the seller due to a spelling error)

Your order is not delivered due to factors within your control (wrong recipient name, wrong address, etc.)

Your order is undeliverable due to special circumstances beyond our control (e.g., order delayed by shipping company, delayed due to natural disaster, item not cleared through customs).

You no longer need the item for personal reasons.

Customized items are non-returnable for all non-quality issues (rough handling delicate items when you receive the package)

Exchanges and Returns

At Mealotree, we ship worldwide and are fully aware that problems may arise during the delivery process. We always do our best to provide our customers with the best online shopping experience. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer the following solutions:

If you are experiencing a problem with your shipment (defective or damaged) when you receive it, please take a photo of the damaged shipment and email Customer Service ( so that we can follow up with you. Please contact us within 7 business days of receiving your package and we will arrange to reship your order within 60 days. Failure to respond or provide the requested information within the specified time frame will result in the item being deemed received in good condition.

We are not responsible for any mishandling/human accident with your purchase.

If you have not received your package after the 60 day guarantee period, please email Customer Service ( so we can follow up with you. At Mealotree, we have a 100% Guaranteed Receipt Policy to protect you and ensure that you will receive your shipment within 60 days. Please contact us within 7 working days and we will resend you a new shipment! If you fail to respond or provide the requested information within the time frame, we will consider the item received. If you provide us with an incorrect shipping address, we will not be responsible for your lost item.

For customer service, please contact